AMT Qatar - MPI’s Commitment to Excellence in the Region

After enjoying tremendous success in United Arab Emirates Modern Plastic Industry has expanded its geographical footprint in 2016 across to the State of Qatar to cater to the increasing market demands of the Drainage Pipes & fittings, High Pressure Pipes & fittings, CPVC Pipes & fittings and PP Compression Fittings there.

From its inception in 2016, Modern Plastic Industry set out to bridge the gap in the plastic industry, by operating a complete solution provider to meet the rising demands of MEP contractors in Qatar, through accruing Advanced Mechanical Technology Co. Qatar.

We Advanced Mechanical Technology Co. Qatar proudly represents exclusively Rehau - Germany for low noise pipes & fittings, PVC, PP uPVC pipes & fittings for above ground drainage, below ground drainage and high pressure water supply.

In addition to the above; we do also supply CPVC pipes & fittings, PP Compression fittings and uPVC valves.

Modern Plastic Industry is focused on providing bespoke solutions to every one of its clients, continuously rising above and beyond their expectations. The quality of products and services offered by MPI speak for themselves, and clients are always guaranteed professional excellence. MPI stands strong by its slogan “Reliability, Quality & Value”